My sheet, no pillow, no cover
Hospital ward...someone knew to bring their own sheets
So on December 1st I returned to St. Petersburg/Tampa area to have tests done. Long story blood count showed a low sodium level which causes the same effects as a stroke. Will and I were almost ready to leave Grenada on Varua and begin our return to the states. Will decided to take on that journey without me...hoping I could join him later.
Will left Grenada on Dec 2nd and did a solo sail to Guadeloupe. He arrived on Dec 5th. His only crew was Bentley, and he spent the entire time in the cockpit with the captain. Will did 15 minute cat naps during the night sails. He would set an alarm clock to go off and wake him up so that he could check radar and scan the horizon for other ships. He sent out spot messages with his location at 6:00 am and pm. On Thursday the spot message did not come through at 6:00 am, so I worried about them both until I received the 6:00 pm message.
A spot message I received when he was approaching Guadaloupe
Will and Bentley's course from Guadaloupe
Will and Bentley spent time in Guadeloupe catching up on sleep and walks on land. They also took time to find another alarm clock that would produce a louder ring then the one they had been usisng.
Lots of time was spent at the local bakery and sending emails to each other.
Along with many visits to different doctors, labs, and hospitals, I spent lots of time with my dad and visited my mother in the special home she is now living in. The weather was extremely cold for Florida so I borrowed some warm clothes from my friend Susan. She and her husband own a condo 5 minutes away from my dad, so I had shelter and used their car for transportation. They are still in Grenada on their sailboat.
My dad and I at Rum Fish for lunch
Sitting with my mom's home mates
Christmas tree decorating
My beautiful 92 year old mother
Fresh tuna I bought in St Petersburg...all the way from Trinidad
On December 17th Will and Bentley took off again this time heading for St. Thomas. I have received spot messages on their travels and the latest one just came in this morning at 6:00 am. They will arrive and anchor somewhere on the south coast of St. Thomas.
Bentley doing his job while Will solos the boat
I plan on flying to St. Thomas on December 23rd to meet up with them again after 22 days of being apart. We will visit our friends Gayle and Todd while we are there, and then will make the decision of where we will be sailing next.
Beautiful Bahama Island from the plane....maybeMayaguana
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