Sunday, January 19, 2014

Provo....we made it here on Friday morning at sun rise.  It was a 14 hour trip into the waves, but the winds were light, so not too bad of a trip.  The full moon was in and out of the clouds which gave us visibility during the night.

As we entered into the Caicos Banks, we flew the mandatory yellow flag, which means we are new to the area. Jamie stood watch on the bow sprit for hours watching for coral heads....large chunks of coral that are near the surface.

We will check into Customs and immigration at the marina.  We found a marina called South Side which is tucked  inside of a mountain.  There is a large red house that looks like a castle. You can see the masts next to the white roof. This is the first marina we have been in to since West End on November 19th.

Turks and Caicos are in the Bahama island chain, but they are their own country. They have so many more amenities  than any of the other Bahama islands....especially a fully stocked grocery store.   I bought okra, bok choy, and grapes.....things I haven't seen since leaving the states.

The marina is clean, quaint and quiet.  The painting is inside the laundry room, and the bathroom is carved out of the mountain.

Bentley enjoyed his stay here as he was never on a leash and could explore as he so desired.   Can you find him?

Hint?.....he is on the roof!

We plan to leave here tomorrow and head straight to Puerto Rico.  The winds will be light and from the north!   Could take us up to five days without hitting land.  So we will check in again once we are there!

Miss you all.

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